Find Latitude & Longitude


Group Package 1 websites contain a mix of default verbiage and imagery, with your group's details. This is managed for you by Scouts Online. There is no ability change the settings.

If you'd like to upgrade to a higher package level, please contact us.

Latitude and Longitude figures can be used in various places across your website to pin point an exact location.

These include:

This tech-tip shows how you can find the Latitude, Longitude and a Bearing figure (for the streetview picture on the About/Find Us page), to use in these fields.

This tech-tip shows how you can find the Latitude and Longitude figures, to use on your website.

Use Cases

The following panels show specific tasks. Click on a panel to see the procedures.

Estimate Figures from Post Code

You can get a rough idea of the latitude and longitude of a location from a post code.

You can get a rough idea of the latitude and longitude of a location from a post code.

To do this, follow these steps:

  • Login with a Site Admin username and password
  • Open Admin/Section Details and select a section
  • Open Admin/Global Settings
  • Replace the Post Code with the post code you want the figures for
  • Click Estimate to get latitude and longitude figures
  • Click Cancel to abandon your changes

Fig. 1: Location figures from Post Code

Get Figures from Google Map

You can get exact latitude and longitude figures from a Google map.

You can get exact latitude and longitude figures from Google.

To do this, follow these steps:

  • Open
  • You can find the rough location by entering a post code
  • Move the map around and zoom into the location you're looking for
  • Right-click your mouse over the location to see the Latitude and Longitude
  • Click the latitude and longitude figures to copy the figures

Fig. 1: Location figures from Google

Get Bearing from Google Map

You can display a streetview picture on the About/Find Us page by setting latitude, longitude and bearing fields in Admin/Section Details.

You can display a streetview picture on the About/Find Us page by setting latitude, longitude and bearing fields in Admin/Section Details.

To find the latitude, longitude and bearing figures, follow these steps:

  • Open
  • You can find the rough location by entering a post code
  • Move the map around and zoom into the location you're looking for
  • Drag the Google Man to the road in front of your location, to move to streetview
  • Move up and down the road, and turn the camera round, until you see your location
  • The figures are shown in the browser URL/address shown in Fig. 2, as follows:
    • 51.6493513 is the latitude figure (proceeded by the @ sign)
    • 0.00314 is the longitude figure
    • 287 is the bearing. You should use a whole number/integer, from 287.12h (the figure ending with a 'h').

Fig. 1: Google Streetview

Fig. 2: Google Streetview URL