User Team Management Documentation


Group Package 1 websites contain a mix of default verbiage and imagery, with your group's details. This is managed for you by Scouts Online. There is no ability change the settings.

If you'd like to upgrade to a higher package level, please contact us.

Your website doesn't include the ability to add members to teams.

If you'd like to upgrade to a higher package level, please contact us.

User Team Management allows you to add and remove users from your teams in one place without having to amend each user record individually.

You can maintain your group and section teams. your District teams and teams within your groups. your County teams, teams within your District and teams within your groups. You can also set role descriptions for each team member.

Use Cases

The following panels show specific tasks. Click on a panel to see the procedures.

View Members of a Team

Select a team to see the members of the team.

You can view the members of the team, along with their main role or team-specific role description.

To do this, follow these steps:

  • Login with a Site Admin username and password
  • Open Admin/User Management
  • Click the Manage Adult Teams button to open User Team Management
  • Select the Team from the drop-down-list. See Fig. 1

Fig. 1: Teams list

Fig. 1: Teams list

See Which Teams a User Belongs To

See the teams that a user is member of.

You can see the teams that a user is member of.

To do this, follow these steps:

  • Login with a Site Admin username and password
  • Open Admin/User Management
  • Click the Manage Adult Teams button to open User Team Management
  • Hover over a name in the All Users list. See Fig. 1
  • A list of all/any of the teams that the user belongs to will be displayed
  • NB. The list will show all users in your District and the Groups within in it
  • NB. The list will show all users in your County, your District and the Groups

Fig. 1: All users list

Fig. 1: All users list

Add Team Members

Add members to a team.

You can add registered website users to a team.

To do this, follow these steps:

  • Login with a Site Admin username and password
  • Open Admin/User Management
  • Click the Manage Adult Teams button to open User Team Management
  • Select the team you want to change from the Team drop-down list
  • Scroll down the All Users list to find the member to add and click Add next to their name
  • A popup panel will open (Similar to Fig. 1)
  • Altering the Main Role field will set the users record for the scope of the team. ie. For your District Meet The Team, this will be their main role within your District, but if the Team is set to a group/section team, it will set the role within their group. ie. For your County Meet The Team, this will be their main role within your County, but if the Team is set to a District based team (or group/section team), it will set the role within that District/Group.
  • If you just want to set their role for the specific team, it may be better to enter that role description in the Role in Team field
  • Click Ok to add the user to the team or Cancel to abandon the change

Fig. 1: Details of user to add to the team

Remove Team Members

Remove a team member from a team, without deleting thir user record.

You can remove a team member from a team, without deleting thir user record.

To do this, follow these steps:

  • Login with a Site Admin username and password
  • Open Admin/User Management
  • Click the Manage Adult Teams button to open User Team Management
  • Select the team you want to change from the Team drop-down list
  • Scroll down the team members list and click the Remove button next to the name of the volunteer you want to remove
  • NB. The change will be made without having to click Save All

Fig. 1: Team list

Fig. 1: Team list

Change a Team Member's Role

Change the role or role description for a team member.

You may change the role or role description for a team member.

To do this, follow these steps:

  • Login with a Site Admin username and password
  • Open Admin/User Management
  • Click the Manage Adult Teams button to open User Team Management
  • Select the team you want to change from the Team drop-down list
  • Scroll down the team members list to the name of the volunteer you want to change
  • You can select a Scouting role from the drop-down-list
  • If you want to override the Scouting role with a more personalise role description, add it in the field below the drop-down-list field. This will be used in team lists. See Fig. 1
  • Set their team specific role description in the role name field, or leave it blank to use their Scouting role from their user record. See Fig. 1
  • Click Save All to save all changes made to the team, or Save next to each member changed

Fig. 1: Role description overridden

Fig. 1: Role description overridden

Add Members to District Teams

Add Members to a team within one of your Districts.

Your can add Members to a team within one of your Districts.

To do this, follow these steps:

  • Login with a Site Admin username and password
  • Open Admin/User Management
  • Click the Manage Adult Teams button to open User Team Management
  • Open the Teams drop-down-list to the District you are looking for, and select one of their teams below the District's name
  • Scroll down the All Users list to find the member to add and click Add next to their name
  • Alter the role fields in the popup panel as required (Similar to Fig. 1)
  • Click Ok to add the user to the team or Cancel to abandon the change

Fig. 1: Details of user to add to the team

Add Members to a Group Team

Add team members to one of your groups.

You can add team members to one of your groups.

To do this, follow these steps:

  • Login with a Site Admin username and password
  • Open Admin/User Management
  • Click the Manage Adult Teams button to open User Team Management
  • Scroll down the teams in the Teams drop-down-list and select the group you are looking to change
  • Scroll down the All Users list to find the member to add and click Add next to their name
  • Alter the role fields in the popup panel as required (Similar to Fig. 1)
  • Click Ok to add the user to the team or Cancel to abandon the change

Fig. 1: Details of user to add to the team

Add Members to Group Sections

Add team members to specific sections inside one of your groups.

You can add team members to specific sections inside one of your groups.

To do this, follow these steps:

  • Login with a Site Admin username and password
  • Open Admin/User Management
  • Click the Manage Adult Teams button to open User Team Management
  • Tick the Include Group Sections field at the bottom of the page. This will update the Team drop-down-list and add each section within each group.
  • Scroll down the teams in the Teams drop-down-list to the group you are looking to change, and select the section within that group
  • Scroll down the All Users list to find the member to add and click Add next to their name
  • Alter the role fields in the popup panel as required (Similar to Fig. 1)
  • Click Ok to add the user to the team or Cancel to abandon the change

Fig. 1: Details of user to add to the team

Add a New Team

Add your own teams and display a Team List for that team on your own website page.

You can add your own teams and display a Team List for that team on your own website page.

To do this, follow these steps:

  • Login with a Site Admin username and password
  • Open Admin/User Management
  • Click the Manage Adult Teams button to open User Team Management
  • Click the New button
  • Enter the Team Name in the popup box
  • Click Add to create a new team, or Cancel
  • This will create a blank team for you to add members to
  • Use the Page Designer to create a new website page to promote your team's activities
  • Add a Team List to the new page

Fig. 1: New Team popup