To setup the integration, your OSM user record will need to have Administrator Leader Access to all the OSM Squirrel Dreys, Beaver Colonies,
Cubs Packs, Scout Troops, Units and the Waiting List section for your group.
Log into
Open each of the sections in turn and check your Leader Access in Settings / Section Settings / Leader Access for each of your sections.
You will also need Read or Read & Write access to the various OSM features for each of your OSM sections.
You will need at least:
- Read and Write access to Members
- Read access to the Programme
- Read access to the Events
- Read access to Badges
- Read access to Flexi-Records
If you don't have access to all these features in all of your sections, you will need to ask another volunteer to complete the
steps in the '2) Authorise the Integration' panel.
You should also check that your term dates for each of your sections don't have any gaps.
This means that the term start dates need to be the same as the previous term's end date, not the day after the last term end date.
You should also make sure that there are no overlapping term dates, or a term that covers all/multiple terms.