
A Scouts Online website will promote your Scout Group, District, County, Region or Area, increase your membership, attract adult volunteers, facilitate fundraising and keep your members, parents and leaders informed.

Scouts Online websites are built for you with an extensive set of pages and features custom built for UK Scouting. Our Scouting websites come pre-populated with up to date on-brand colours, images, messaging, videos, links and more.

All our websites are designed to be "responsive", so they look great and work well on mobile phones, tablets, laptops and desktop PCs, irrespective of their screen size.

The intuitive Content Management System allows you to quickly personalise your site, add pages, advertise your programme/events, create photo albums and change page content to your requirements.

Why Choose Scouts Online?

Competitive Pricing

£0 website build
Packages from £3/month
Short contracts
We keep costs low
100% off-site working
No expensive offices

Free Branding Updates

Messaging, imagery, fonts, logos, videos, badges, page designs, country specific, etc.
Not just the latest purple and green shades

Free Regular Enhancements

Enjoy features requested by other Scouters
Enhancements are installed onto all websites
Switch on what you want
Tell us what you'd like

UK Scouting Work Only

We only work with UK Scouters

You are our only priority
We don't do lucrative business work, or websites for Guides or other organisations

Extensive OSM Integration

Join forms -> Waiting list
Programme + badges
Badge progress charts
Patrol points tables
Display flexi-records
Send news via OSM

Bespoke Platform for UK Scouts

Quickly Setup Group Colours

Over 20 Scout Form Templates

Badge Hyperlinks to info on scouts.org.uk

Assign Modules to Training Courses

Shop Pre-populated with Scout Badges

Team Lists Sorted by Scout Role

Chris Pic Chris Pic

About Us

Scouts Online is run by Chris, a Group Lead Volunteer recognised with a Silver Acorn Award for "specially distinguished service".

Chris has run Beavers, Cubs, Scouts, Ventures and a DofE Troop, for which he attended a Buckingham Palace garden party for 50 year of the DofE Award.

Chris has headed up Beavers, Cubs, Scouts, Ventures and a DofE Award troop, for which he attended a Buckingham Palace garden party to celebrate 50 years of the DofE Award Scheme.

Before Scouts Online, Chris was an IT professional, experienced in delivering complex products, projects and services; working from concept to end-of-life; supervising staff across three continents and partnering with UK and International household name enterprises.

Chris built his first Scout Group website in the late 1990s.

Our Services

Website Design

Free website design and build.

Tell us what you want and we’ll build it.

Bespoke Software Development

If a new feature would be useful to you, it will be to other Scouters too.

We create new features (FREE) and make them available for others in our community.

Tools for Scouting

We provide you with all the resources and tools you need to facilitate local Scouting.


Any questions, help or advice.

Here to help – just ask.

On-Going Partnership

If you need a new page in the future, we'll build it FREE.

Never charged for consultancy.


Inclusive website hosting.

No need to pay another provider.

No hidden extras.

Contact Us
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What Our Community Says

"The number of applications to join has increased by 100%" "It really is fantastic" "The OSM integration will save us loads of time" "We certainly seem to be attracting visitors to our site" "Really appreciate the quick turnaround" "Thanks to our website we’re dragging local Scouting into the 21st century" "The website is so simple to administer" "We discussed our requirements and a website was setup for us to try" "Our Group Trustees were very impressed with the new site and its very competitive cost" "We quickly added our own designs and content" "Our website has benefitted parents" "Our professional website makes us stands out to viewers" "Easy for parents to register children interested in joining" "Scouts Online continues to improve all its sites" "We would recommend Scouts Online to any Group"
Fully Populated Website
  • Built for you with extensive Scout content
  • Scout locations and sectional settings
  • Personalise your text, images, banners, etc.
  • Add your own mobile-friendly pages
  • Ideal for the non-technical Scouters
  • Excellent base for the IT professional
Demonstration Website

Click the button below to see
an example Scouts Online website

Group Demo Site
District Demo Site
County Demo Site

Free Trial
  • We're convinced you'll love our sites, so we'll setup an evaluation website for you FREE
  • Configured for your Scout Group, District or County
  • You may personalise your trial website
  • Show it to your leaders and trustees
  • Contact us today to get started

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Cookies help us and third parties to improve our services to you and give you the best experience on this website. By clicking "Accept All" you agree to all of our cookies. You can choose the cookies you'd like to accept by clicking "Manage Settings". See our Cookie Policy for full details.